- These essences have a very high vibration and need to be used with care, preferably under supervision
- They can be held three times a day or three drops can be applied to the appropriate crystals provided for the chakra
- Although these essences are chosen for the chakra balancing they can still be used for other applications if doused with this in mind .
- Place three drops on the appropriate crystal or used topically on the appropriate meridians. (These crystals might not relate to other chakra crystals you know, but they are the one’s given to be used with these essences.)
- Keep the crystals in their individual sack so there is no confusion between the different essences and crystals.
- Clear the crystals regularly as instructed. Keep the essences in a cool dark place with the Herkimer diamond provided
- Photographs of the flowers, as seen below, from which the essences are made are included in the box
- Experiment with the essences to find what suits your own energy.
- Under no circumstances must they be mixed with each other or other people’s essences or taken internally.
All ANGESSENCE essences are made by myself and the flowers are organically grown in my garden or collected from the wild by me personally
Under no circumstances must they be mixed with each other or other people’s essences or taken internally.

THE UPPER CROWN CHAKRA is located a little way above the crown chakra. It is white in colour and it's associated flower is Phylia Nodiflorum. The corresponding crystal is Clear Quartz. This chakra is the place of home coming where our male and female aspects and our sense of identity with the greater energy of all there is merge.

THE CROWN CHAKRA is located just above the head. It is violet in colour and it's associated flower is Vitex. The corresponding crystal is Amethyst. The crown chakra is the first outer body chakra where we receive enlightenment. It is the place where we are at one with our soul’s desires.

THE BROW CHAKRA is located in the centre of the brow area. It is Indigo in colour and it's associated flower is Romarinus. The corresponding crystal is Lapis Lazuli. The brow chakra is associated with theThird Eye. This is the doorway of the soul, enabling one to grasp the greater reality and wider vision of life and our initial communication with the Higher Self.

THE THROAT CHAKRA covers our voice, speech and how we express ourselves.The colour is light blue, it's associated flower is Salvia Deep Blue and corresponding crystal is Blue Calcite. Our throat enables communication and is linked with our ability to listen. Tension in this area prevents expression of our truth, restricting and limiting our lives and creativity. Remove negativity from the words you speak as your words manifest your reality.

THE UPPER HEART CHAKRA is just above the heart in the centre of the chest. It is pink in colour and it's associated flower is Rosa Mme Alfred Carriere. The corresponding crystal is Rose Quartz.The energy of this chakra is unconditional love and understanding that we are all connected and need to bring light into the world.

THE HEART CHAKRA is green in colour and it's associated flower is Ocimum Basil. The corresponding crystal is Green Aventurine. The heart chakra is concerned with balancing the lower earthly energies, with the upper, more spiritual energies associated with the higher chakras. One can’t develop balance in the earthly body unless the earthly and spiritual energies are in harmony with each other.

THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is in the diaphragm. It is yellow in colour and it's associated flower is Yellow Hemerocallis. The corresponding crystal is Tiger Eye. This chakra can hold great tension, our fight or flight emotions, holding our breath thus restricting our ability to create and manifest which is linked to the base and sacral chakras.

THE SACRAL CHAKRA is in the belly. It is orange in colour and it's associated flower is Epilobium. The corresponding crystal is Carnelian. It has a wonderful softer grounding energy and is the seat of creativity from where we manifest our earthly desires. We feel our love and create, our fertility in all areas of our lives. We sense the emotions linked with this chakra in our bowels, ovaries and testes. These areas are where we hold many stresses.

THE BASE CHAKRA is at the base of the spine. It is bright red in color and it's associated flower is Echinacea Papaya. The corresponding crystal is Red Jasper. This chakra is concerned with your roots. It is only when a plant has strong deep roots that it can rise to the sky. The base chakra is associated with our emotions of who we are, our survival, our relationship with the family and tribe and is the home of the Kundalini energy.

THE GROUND CHAKRA is under the balls of the feet. It is dark in colour and it's associated flower is Ruta Maritime. The corresponding crystal is Onyx. This chakra is concerned with our relationship to earth and swirls like a vortex. Its function is to clear excess vibrational energies from the body grounding them usefully into the earth.
I would like to recommend a book on chakra clearing:
One to Twelve by Wendy Batchelor
One to Twelve by Wendy Batchelor